Abu Zaabal and Kafr el- Zayat Fertilizer and Chemical Co (AKFAC)SAE
5 Actions de L.E.2, 1958
Abu Zaabal and Kafr el- Zayat Fertilizer and Chemical Co (AKFAC)SAE
25 Actions de L.E.2, 1958
Agricole de Kafr- El- Dawar SA/ Soc
Action de Dividende, 1907
Agricole de Kafr- El- Dawar SA/ Soc
Action de Capital de F250, 1907
Agricole du Nile SA/ Co
Part de Jouissance, 1904
Agricole et Industrielle d'Egypte/ SA
Action Privilégiée de F500, 1909
Agricole et Industrielle d'Egypte/ SA
Bon de 1 Action nouvelle, 1907
Agricole et Industrielle d'Egypte/ SA
Part de Dividende
Agricole et Industrielle d'Egypte/ SA
Action de F500, cap. F5,000,000
Agricole et Industrielle d'Egypte/ SA
Action de F500, cap. F10,000,000
Agricole et Industrielle d'Egypte/ SA
Action de F500, cap. F12,500,000
Agricole et Urbaine le Fayoum SAE/ Soc
5 Bons de L.E.4, 1947
Agricole et Urbaine le Fayoum SAE/ Soc
25 Actions de L.E.4, 1943
Agricultural Bank of Egypt / The
1 Deferred Share of £5, specimen, 1903
Agricultural Bank of Egypt / The
25 4% Cum. Preferred Shares of £10, specimen, 1904
Agricultural Bank of Egypt / The
10 4% Cum. Preferred Shares of £10, specimen, 1905
Agricultural Cooperative of Abdabnad
5 Shares of L.E.5
Albonded Egyptian Storage Co
5 Shares of L.E.5
Alexandria & Ramleh Railway Co, Ld./ The
5 Shares of £1, 1927
Alexandria Insurance Co SAE/ The
Titre Nominatif de 1 Action de L.Eg.5, 1950
Alexandria Insurance Co SAE/ The
Titre Nominatif de 5 Actions de L.Eg.5, 1950
Alexandria Life Insurance Co SAE/ The
5 Actions L.Eg.10
Alexandria Navigation Co SAE/ The
Alexandria Navigation Co SAE/ The
Alexandria Navigation Co SAE/ The
Alexandria Pressing Co SAE
2 Actions de L.Eg.1
Alexandria Pressing Co SAE
25 Actions de L.Eg.1
Alexandria Shipping & Navigation Co
100 Shares U.S.$400, 1974
Alexandria Shipping & Navigation Co
1000 Shares U.S.$4000, 1974
Alexandria Water Co SAE/ The
Warrant for 1 Bearer Share of L.E.4,875, 1958
"Sun modern Buildings Co of Egypt (""Al- Chams"")/ The "
1 Share of L.E.1
Terrains Ghizeh et Rodah SAE/ SA Immobiliere des
2 Actions de L.Eg.7, 1938
Al- Nasr Knitting and Jerseys SAE/ The
1 share of L.E. 4
Al- Nasr Knitting and Jerseys SAE/ The
5 shares of L.E. 20
Al- Nasr Knitting and Jerseys SAE/ The
10 shares of L.E. 40
Al- Nasr Knitting and Jerseys SAE/ The
25 shares of L.E. 100
Al- Nasr Knitting and Jerseys SAE/ The
50 shares of L.E. 200
Ameublement Krieger SA/ Soc Égyptienne d'
Action de L.E.10, 1923
Ameublement Krieger SA/ Soc Égyptienne d'
Action de L.E.10, 1927
Ammoniac & Chemical Co S.A.E.
1 Action de Jouissance, specimen, 1955
Anciens Etablissements Hovaghimian/ SAE des
25 Obligations 3% de L.E.12, 1938
Anglo- Belgian Co of Egypt Ltd.
1 Share of £2,10, 1927
Anglo- Belgian Co of Egypt Ltd.
10 Shares of £2,10, specimen
Anglo- Belgian Co of Egypt Ltd.
25 Shares of £2,10, specimen
Anglo- Belgian Co of Egypt Ltd.
100 Shares of £2,10, specimen
Anglo- Belgian Co of Egypt Ltd.
1 Share of £5, 1906
Anglo- Belgian Co of Egypt Ltd.
25 Shares of £5, specimen
Anglo- Belgian Co of Egypt Ltd.
50 Shares of £5, specimen
Anglo- Belgian Co of Egypt Ltd.
Nominative Shares of £5, specimen
Anglo- Egyptian Land Allotment Co SAE
Cert. Prov. de 1/3 d'Action de L.E.4, 1952