Egyptian Bonded Warehouses (fr: Bonded Co Ltd)
5 Shares of L.E. 5, 1960
Egyptian Bonded Warehouses (fr: Bonded Co Ltd)
25 Shares of L.E. 25, 1960
Egyptian Chemical and Drug Industries Ltd
Shares of £1, 1942, cap. £12.500
Egyptian Chemical and Drug Industries Ltd
Shares of £1, 1942, cap. £15.000
Egyptian Chemical and Drug Industries Ltd
Shares of £1, 1944, cap. £40.000
Egyptian Commercial and Trading Co Ltd
Shares of £20, 1865
Egyptian Cotton Ginners & Exporters ex Th.P. Mitarachi & Co SAE
1 Action de L.E.5, 1937
Egyptian Cotton Mills Ltd/ The
5 Shares of £1, 1900
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (1st Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (2nd Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (3rd Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (4th Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (5th Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (6th Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (7th Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (8th Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (9th Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
One tenth of Foundation Part (10th Certificate), 1905
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
Share of £20, 1880
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
Share of £20, 1882
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
Share of £20, 1904
Egyptian Credit Foncier SA
Share of £20, 1905
Egyptian Delta Land and Investment Co Ltd.
25 Shares of £1, specimen (cap. £250.000)
Egyptian Delta Land and Investment Co Ltd.
50 Shares of £1, 1905
Egyptian Delta Land and Investment Co Ltd.
5 Shares of £1, 1907
Egyptian Delta Land and Investment Co Ltd.
25 Shares of £1, specimen (cap. £500.000)
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Ltd/ The
1 Preference Share of £10, 1899 (cap. £530.000)
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Ltd/ The
5 Preference Shares of £10, 1899
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Ltd/ The
1 Deferred Share of £10, 1904 (cap.£834.370)
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Ltd/ The
1 Preference Share of £10, 1904
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Ltd/ The
5 Preference Shares of £10, 1901
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Ltd/ The
1 Preference Share of £10, 1904 (cap.£965.400)
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Ltd/ The
5 Preference Shares of £10, 1904
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Ltd/ The
1 Preference Share of £10, 1912 (cap.£1.360.000)
Egyptian Delta Light Railways Ltd/ The
5 Preference Shares of £10, 1907
Egyptian Enterprise and Development Co/ The
1 Deferred Share, 1906
Egyptian Enterprise and Development Co/ The
1 Ordinary Share of L.E.10, 1906
Egyptian Estates Ltd
5 Ordinary Shares of £1, 1906
Egyptian Estates Ltd
10 Ordinary Shares of £1, 1906
Egyptian Estates Ltd
50 Ordinary Shares of £1, 1906
Egyptian Estates Ltd
100 Ordinary Shares of £1, 1906
Egyptian Estates Ltd
5 Deferred Shares of 1 Shilling, 1905
Egyptian Fibre Syndicate SA
1 Part de Fondateur, 1920
Egyptian Fibre Syndicate SA
1 Action de L.E.4, 1920
Egyptian Fibre Syndicate SA
Cert. Prov. de 25 Actions de L.E.4, 1920
Egyptian fine Spinning and Weaving Co
25 Shares of L.E. 100, 1940s
Egyptian fine Spinning and Weaving Co
5 Shares of L.E. 20, specimen, 1940s
Egyptian fine Spinning and Weaving Co
1 Share of L.E. 4, specimen, 1940s
Egyptian General Omnibus Co/ The (fr:Soc des Automobiles et des O)
Part de Fondateur, 1933
Egyptian Gold & Gem Syndicate, Ltd/ The
Ordinary Shares of £1, 1908